2020 will leave a deep wound in our bodies, hearts and minds, a trace of our dismay, our incomprehension, our fear and sometimes our despair. And yet, by opening our eyes differently, year 2020 will have revealed an exciting face of Humanity: All united against the coronavirus.
What exchanges between the research laboratories of all nations, what joint efforts to analyze and try to better understand this enemy of the human ‘race’, than exchanges to inform each other of the rules and means of struggle set up with their successes and sometimes their ineffectiveness. Man is one and … unique. This is a wonderful message of HOPE.
This is what Freemasons, in particular Freemasons of the International Masonic Order for men and women LE DROIT HUMAIN, will want to take away from this bad year: an immense surge of cooperation across the world. SOLIDARITY
May this momentum continue during the year 2021 and bring human beings around the world to know each other better, understand each other and help each other in order to bring PEACE, PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS on our blue planet.