Member’s area

Welcome to all of you,

A private section is reserved for Brothers and Sisters, members of the Order.

To be able to enter this part and activate all the services, you must be registered. Once registered, it becomes possible to connect.


At the very top right, above the red line, you have a small menu bar.

Click on “register”.

Registration allows you to verify your membership in the Order. For this verification, you will need your Masonic passport number, the words of the year, as well as the number of your symbolic lodge. Let yourself be guided by the dialogue.

At the end of registration, you will be asked for a personal e-mail address (email). The name specified in your email address (so to the left of the @ sign) will now be your identifier. You will also need to enter a password that you choose yourself. A check is made when encoding your password to verify that it is strong enough.

Finally, the system will notify you that an email has been sent to you at the address mentioned. You will need to open your mailbox and click on the validation request. It is this last operation that registers you definitively.

Once registered, you can log into the intranet anytime you want. You will also regularly receive a newsletter with news from the Order.


At the very top right, above the red line, you choose the Login-logout option.

Click on “Login-logout”.

A login form opens in which you must enter your username and password before pressing the login button.

You will access the private site home page and remain logged in until you log out. Don’t forget to do this before closing your browser!

You can continue, in parallel, to consult the public site, because public site and private site are open in two different tabs.

If you forgot your password:

Password… Or if you are concerned that it has been disclosed, simply click on “recover password” to start the modification procedure.


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