
Initiation XVIIIe siècle

Freemasonry has been in existence for over three hundred years. At its origin and for a very long time it was reserved for men only.





But did you know that?

– Freemasonry is a dynamic approach, which has admitted women alongside men since 1893.


Mixed Freemasonry

– Freemasonry admits all persons without distinction of a social, ethnic, philosophical or religious nature; it brings together people from very diverse social and cultural backgrounds and is a place of exchange where men and women meet on an equal footing.

– As a meeting place for people who, because of their origin, social status, age and education, would never have had the opportunity to meet, Freemasonry awakens and elevates the spirit; it is a way to awaken you to what is important.

– Freemasonry takes a personal approach and respects the freedom of the individual contrary to popular belief, it is not a secret society: the only true secrets result from the emancipation of each of its members and are lodged in their hearts.

– Freemasonry aims at the improvement of its members and through them at the progress of humanity.


Convent International 2017






If you would like further information about Freemasonry there are many books and websites dedicated to the subject. Unfortunately you can find the worst information alongside the best! We recommend that you take great care in your reading. Wikipedia sites are normally good for providing informed and accurate information.


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